Wolof Primer
Our Wolof Primer employs
state-of-the-art Internet technologies to deliver a fun and easy
learning experience. Special emphasis is placed on teaching the
everyday words and phrases that a tourist would find invaluable
in Senegal or The Gambia.
Please keep in mind that our Wolof Primer
is not a full, college level course.
Most Wolof speaking people would agree that Wolof is
a very difficult language to teach. It's complexity and lack of
tight conventions are two of many reasons why many Wolofs feel that
Wolof is simply unteachable -- even to those eager to learn. This
website is the result of our resolve to prove all the nay-sayers
wrong! We believe that the world deserves a website devoted to this
most unique and beautiful language.
Click here to try one of our
online course modules, to read more about the online primer and
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Wolof Facts
- Wolof is spoken/used in the following countries: Gambia, Mauritania,
- Language family: Family: Niger-Congo; Subgroup: Western Sudanic;
Branch: West Atlantic.
- Senegal is the westernmost nation in West Africa. French is
the "official" language, but most people speak Wolof.
- The Wolof people make up more than one-third of Senegal's population,
and have been the dominant group in the region for generations.
They have developed a rich cultural tradition which is marked
by their hospitality and willingness to include outsiders. Their
culture has embraced the Muslim religion since the 10th century.
A century of Christian mission effort has had little impact, and
there are only a few Wolof believers.
- About 80 percent of the Senegalese population speaks Wolof.
- The Republic of Senegal is home to more than 3 million Wolof
people along with the Fulani, Serer, Toucouleur, Diola and Mandingo
people groups.
- Islam is the dominant religion of the Wolof people; The Wolof
conversion to Islam began in the 11th century and today the vast
majority of Wolofs are Muslims.