-- L'association des Jeunes pour l'Education et le Dévelopment
- a Senegalese development organization which also organises workcamps.
- AllAfrica.com
--News from The Gambia.
- AllAfrica.com
--News from Senegal.
- BusyInternet
--stimulating economic
development in developing countries by opening large, high-tech, Internet
access centers.
- Kabissa
--dedicated to providing a space on the Internet for the African nonprofit
- Kidlink--getting
kids around the world to talk to each other...
- The
Life in Africa Foundation --Make a donation to support hard working
Africans that is meaningful, effective and efficient. Life in African
will triple the effectiveness of your donation with guaranteed loans
to small businesses and entrepreneurs. You can even invest your money
for two years (you get all your money back!). A great way to help those
in need help themselves.
Ousmane Sembene Film Festival--a retrospective.
- Sponsor: United
States Prime Rate.